This article is more than 1 year old
Interactive urinal cake aimed at ravers, C&W fans
Who aim back
Companies such as Intel, HP and IBM dominate the media with their fancy computers, printers and patent portfolios. So often, this practice of lauding attention on the "tech behemoths" leaves little guys like Healthquest Technologies Inc. and its Wizmark division out in the cold. But we ask, what have Intel, HP or IBM done in the field of interactive urinal communication lately?
Country Music Television (CMT) knows that the answer to this question is that IT powerhouses aren't doing squat for the average urinal. That's why the cable channel operator has signed a first of its kind deal to flood urinals in bars, concert venus, colleges and radio stations with the space-age Wizmark device to promote its Outlaws TV specials.
The product handles basic urinal deodorizing tasks but also delivers so much more. Customers can equip the Wizmark with a pre-recorded audio message, which begins talking to the user or "urinator" when motion detectors are set off. The device can additionally be outfitted with flashing lights, a waterproof anti-glare lenticular display and various images. Each Wizmark can withstand more than 10,000 flushes. Beat that, Intel!
CMT eyes the tipsy urinator much like Martha Stewart might view a fellow prisoner lathering up with scented soap.
"The new interactive urinal communicator from Wizmark enables CMT to target a very captive and vulnerable audience . . .," said James Hitchcock, vice president of marketing at CMT.
"The social protocols of the use of a urinal -- the unwritten rule not to look left or right -- guarantees undivided and undistracted visual attention along with the concurrent audio delivery of the 'Don't miss OUTLAWS on CMT' tune-in message,'" Hitchcock continued. "This new marketing tool is unexpected, unapologetic and good humored."
Easily impressed marketing types aren't the only ones being wowed by the Wizmark.
"Beginning with early attempts at writing one's name in the snow, there has already been an element of recreation associated with urination for men," said bio engineer Dr. Richard Deutsch who invented and patented (6,640,350) the interactive, plastic deodorizing unit for Wizmark.
The prior art for the Wiznator patent dates all the way back to 1971 - the year most commonly associated with modern snow peeing recreation. The patent covers a wide range of new technology, including sensor transducers, LEDs, urinal cakes, perforations and separate discreet flasher components. This is serious stuff.
God forbid you think any of this is a joke. Have a look at some of the public service messages that Healthquest Technologies suggests be placed on a Wizmark. Don't know about you, but when our urinal tells us to put the disco biscuits away, we listen. If, however, you need to follow a toilet's advice not to drink and drive, then it's probably too late for you.
There's more on CMT's use of the Wizmark here. ®