Publicity hungry telcoms companies should stop picking on BT and get on with running their businesses. So says Updata Infrastructure (UK) Ltd, an independently owned company that engages in local loop unbundling for the public sector.
Updata - which has installed its kit in 20 exchanges so far and unbundled around 1,000 lines - believes the ongoing targeting of BT is a "publicity stunt" by rival operators. It reckons BT has "conducted an open and helpful relationship with us" and that the LLU operator is managing to "prosper perfectly well in the current environment".
Commenting in the wake of Ofcom's review of the telecoms sector, Victor Baldorino, director of Updata, said: "We can only conclude that the continuing debate in the UK broadband marketplace is a conscious attempt by an anti-BT lobby to create a publicity storm for themselves.
"While we welcome Ofcom's intentions to better level the playing field, commentators should recognise the economic reality that large organisations have high overheads, while smaller more entrepreneurial operators can and do deliver substantially more flexible and cost-effective services." ®
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