This article is more than 1 year old

Germans crucify Jesus on mobile mast

Bavarians unimpressed by Calvary antenna

Picture courtesy Deutsche WelleA new solution to "mast hysteria" might be (they think in Germany) to make phone antennae look more like religious icons.

As Deutsche Welle shows, you can go too far. "The latter crosses the line for some congregations," wrote the news site.Yes, but does it solve mast hysteria?

For €25,000, you can get a crucifix (the item that "crosses the line, geddit?") antenna from Industrieanlageabau - or a tree, complete with realistic bark.

The report says the mayor of Schwabhausen, in deeply Catholic Bavaria, has come out against such an antenna in his village church. But others have gone ahead: "Everyone recognizes the church now," said Johannes de Fallois, pastor at a church in Neuburg.

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