This article is more than 1 year old
Dutch raid eDonkey sites, seize servers
No more mister nice guy
Dutch anti-piracy organisation BREIN, along with FIOD-ECD (Economic Inspection Service of the Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service), has raided two popular sites in the Netherlands that offered links to allegedly copyright-infringing content. FIOD-ECD has arrested eight people and seized eleven servers.
The two sites, ShareConnector and Releases4u, offered thousands of movies, games and music files to 50,000 registered users. However, they only contained links to PCs hosted by users of the popular P2P service eDonkey and not any content themselves.
BREIN says it had talks with the people behind the sites for some time, but they refused to take them down. "We simply ran out of patience," Tim Kuik, director of BREIN, said. BREIN will not only press charges against the owners of the sites and also against Dutch hosting provider Mindlab, which according to Kuik didn't want to co-operate, either.
The Dutch raids coincide with actions of the Motion Picture Ass. of America (MPAA) against server operators of BitTorrent, eDonkey and DirectConnect sites in Finland and France. ®
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