This article is more than 1 year old

Cyber-appliances are not evil

Shame on us

FoTW Our campaign against the satantic cyber appliances is not going down well in all quarters.

We have to assume that the writer of the letter below is actually an evil cyber appliance under the control of the Lizard People. This shameless attempt to spread disinformation only confirms that the uprising of the machines is at hand:

what's your problem? are you some idiot who's paranoid about technology and is scared to go to bed at night without all the batteries and plugs taken out of your "deadly" electrical appliances?

it must be hell going to work for you as what you do is sit in front of a "deadly" computer, the "self destructing" car is just the carelessness of the driver, like you said in the story, a spark coming off the central locking system, hitting the fuel tank and so forth, as we all know GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE and infact this happens all around the world all the time, intentionaly or otherwise. the "Killer" Dyson which "attacked" the scotsman only "attacked" him because the man was probably too weak to deal with the force of the hose and he also lost balance..

also the "fire-breathing" buses, that's just fault manufacturing that the hose to move the fuel through the engine broke easy enough to explain, if your scared of the latest technology then why don't you keep it to yourselves? alot of people would love this high end technology as it happens to help them work with ease.


Take note, dear readers, and keep your wits about you. Exercise caution around all appliances, but particularly in the vicinity of suspicious looking coffee-makers...®

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