This article is more than 1 year old
Need an African slave? Try eBay
Low Priced! Big selection!
Absolute proof that eBay really is the world's marketplace comes with the revelation that the online auction site has branched out into the African slave trade.
This outrage was discovered by a Google Group member who typed "African Slave" into Google, and was shocked to find this irresistable offer:
Oh dear, oh dear. Of course, the link directs wannabe plantation owners to nothing more sinister than a few African slavery-related items including books and engravings. As one poster notes: "It does not look like a joke, rather than overzealous ebay putting too many keywords."
Quite so. Nonetheless, eBay must as a matter of some urgency address this matter and either a) change the wording of their link, or b) actually acquire a big selection of low-priced African slaves, since to offer non-existent merchandise is clearly a serious breach of its own usage policy, not to mention several local and international laws. ®
Ta very much to all those readers who have written to note that "the letters 'aff' after the advert signify that this is not an eBay advert but a company making revenue from eBays affiliate scheme".
We will, as suggested, direct our outrage at the real perpetrators of this trade in human misery.
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