- the ISP that had its "oi, Churchill, noooooo!" TV ad banned recently - is getting aggressive.
It is offering its brand new 2Mb ADSL for £17.99 a month - with the first two months for free. The ISP is also chucking in a free modem and free connection. The 2Mb service comes with a 2GB a month usage allowance.
Boss David Laurie said the offer "demonstrates our commitment to providing excellent service at unbeatable value for money".
The offer is also available to Madasafish's sister, ISP Freenetname. The ISPs belong to the Brightview Group, which was established in April 2001 and houses a stable of service providers.
Last month the Broadcasting Advertising Clearance Centre (BACC) banned an ad featuring comedian Harry Enfield (in the guise of his yobbish character Frank Doberman) giving Winston Churchill a hard time.
At the time Laurie said the ad was not intended to cause offence and described the ban as "absurd and an affront to the British sense of humour".
He went on: "I can hardly believe the Nanny State has come to the point of blocking the kind of ironic mockery for which we are world-famous. Of course Madasafish recognises Churchill for the hero he was, but he was also a politician and would certainly have been thick-skinned enough to laugh this off." ®
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