This article is more than 1 year old

Man sues bigger penis pill company

'No increase in size' despite maker's claims

A US man has filed a lawsuit claiming false advertising against a herbal penis enlargement pill company because its products did not produce the promised enhanced member. The suit states that Florida-based Alzare LLC claimed in "very, very convincing" advertising featuring doctors and porn stars that its pills would add up to an extra three inches, but failed to deliver hard results, Reuters reports.

Plaintiff Michael Coluzzi - filing the suit on 21 January in the New Jersey state court - said he paid $59.95 for a 30-day supply of Alzare. The pills contain ginseng, yohimbe bark, L-arginine and other ingredients and are "guaranteed to deliver results within a week". Moreover, the maker boasts a 95 per cent success rate in the "more than 100,000 men who have used Alazare", but Coluzzi "experienced no increase in penis size". He further alleged that he was unable to collect a promised refund from the manufacturer.

Coluzzi's lawyer noted: "Males, for whatever reason, may be susceptible because of what they feel they lack," adding that he had expert proof the pills were ineffective.

The Alzare suit follows similar actions filed last year against the manufacturers of herbal dietary supplements VigRx and Enzyt, also alleged to have made extravagant claims as to the augmentary powers of their products. ®

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