This article is more than 1 year old

Nildram moves to head-off broadband hogs

C'mon now...

Nildram is clamping down on broadband hogs by imposing new usage caps for its consumer high speed service.

Although the Pipex-owned ISP doesn't detail the extent of the problem, it does say the introduction of a fair usage policy will "address the issue of heavy Internet usage".

Nildram - which has 40,000 broadband punters - is introducing a usage limit of 50 Gig a month for non-business customers, which applies between 8.00am - 12.00 midnight. Outside of this time, no usage limit will apply.

From July, punters who exceed the 50 Gig limit will either see their service speed choked to 64k for the rest of their billing month, they can buy extra bandwidth at 99p a Gig.

The new capping rules will not apply to Nildram's customers who subscribe to its "Professional" product range.

Said MD Sean Stephenson: "At a time when many service providers are undecided about how to handle the issue of 'capping' Internet usage, Nildram has released clear, fair measures to ensure that all of our customers continue to have the best quality service possible.

"We estimate that less than one per cent of our customers will be affected by these measures and we're confident that they provide enough headroom for personal download usage, while also benefiting from our highly competitive pricing."

Last month Tiscali UK expelled "just over 500" broadband users for excessive use of the ISP's high-speed internet service. The ISP said the bandwidth "hogs" gorged on between 30 Gig and 150 Gig a month. At the same time, the average Tiscali UK punter uses less than one Gig a month.

In November last year Sheffield-based ISP PlusNet shunted around 240 of its heaviest broadband users onto a new platform - dubbed the "bad boy pipe" - after warning them that they were using the service too much. ®

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