This article is more than 1 year old
eBay does small ads
Craig's list type sites for six countries
eBay has launched classified ad websites in Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy and Japan.
The sites are all branded Kijiji - Swahili for village. They resemble CraigsList sites, in which eBay bought a 25 per cent stake in last August.
The sites are organised around cities - so is split into sections for Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nice, Paris, Strasbourg and Toulouse. Within each city section there are adverts for services, stuff for sale, property, jobs, courses, babysitters as well as lonely hearts ads and a community section.
Kijiji is run by Alex Kazim, senior vice president of new ventures, and a "small team of entreprenurial employees".
The launch is not expected to impact revenues for 2005.
Visit Kijiji Paris here.
Press releasehere. ®
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