This article is more than 1 year old
Reg 'invests' Dell stories - reader
Treats HP like a darling
FoTW Dell is the sweetest rose in Texas - although not all of its fans remember its glorious Linux days.
Article: - Regular register reporter proven an xxxxx.
Ashlee Vance article -Foreigners gain thousands of jobs on Dell US staff
Dell tells the world its learning from mistakes sending support to India and repatriating some jobs to the States.
In 20 years Dell has built a business employing 55200 people and is continuing to grow, Unfortunately Vances biased reporting style fails to advise that Dells competitors are exporting jobs at a faster rate than Dell itself. Carly exported more jobs than McDonalds exported burgers.
Mr Vance fails to realise that Dell is still the darling of the stock market. An entrepreneurial success story and not some two bit hack trying to invest a story in 5 minutes. Where is the depth of understanding?
Microsoft's Sun server fetish revealed
It turns out that Microsoft has just acquired lots of SUN kit. Did Microsoft actually pay for the kit? We doubt it. So its free and Sun are trying to survive. Hmmm still looking for the story. All manufacturers buy / evaluate other technology. This is the biggest open secret in the world. Really great helping that MS guy out like that. If you had a hand in getting that guy fired, then you deserve the same.
"Michael Dell must be outraged to be omitted from such an orgy of sly-winking hardware fetishism. How many times has he come to Microsoft's aid, easing Redmond's Linux pain by easing Dell out of its Linux commitment? Dell and Microsoft have always been the two popular kids trying to knock the dorks at Sun from the playground. Instead, Sun gets to take it on the rim. Revolting."
Dells investment in Red Hat, what was that all about???? What does "easing Dell out of its Linux commitment" mean? Have you personally given Dell a target on Linux, or are you talking crap again Vance?? Explain it in real English.
Is there a moral to this story? Well, yes. Vance is biased; read the articles written by Vance on HP bad news delivered far less scathingly than whenever Dell is mentioned. Vance should be employed at the National Enquirer.
Didn't even give his name. Tsk, tsk.
For the curious, Dell's Linux past isn't as rosy as investments in Red Hat, Eazel and the like would have you believe. Most notably, Dell took all of six months to switch from being the world's largest desktop Linux backer to eliminating desktop Linux from its product line.
For some wonderful historical flames, have a gander here. ®