This article is more than 1 year old
Microsoft stripping Windows for thin clients
Microsoft is readying two stripped-down versions of Windows for thin client computers. The idea is that people will use the new versions to resurrect older PCs, according to reports.
The software is apparently based on XP and aims to give the benefits of thin client computing along with Microsoft management tools.
The two "Server Centric Computing Clients" are named Eiger and Monch. Eiger is the simpler product while Monch includes security features.
Thin clients are typically used to reduce computing costs where users have limited tasks to carry out on their PCs.
The skinny versions of XP are for corporates and organisations using a thin client/server architecture. They are not similar to the thinned down versions of XP available for consumers in Brazil, Thailand and India.
More details on Steven Bink's blog here.®
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