The UK's Unix and Open Systems User Group (UKUUG) has named Christopher Gutteridge the winner of its 2005 award for his work on the University of Southampton's EPrints project.
EPrints was established as a project in 2002 to explore issues around Open Access publishing. It is now used by over 150 other research institutions "to make the full text of the peer-reviewed research output of scholars/scientists and their institutions visible, accessible, harvestable, searchable and useable by any potential user with access to the Internet", according to the University's own description of the software.
Gutteridge expands: "EPrints is both a practical tool and the crystallization of a philosophy. It enables research to be accessible to all, and provides the foundation for all academic institutions to create their own research repositories."
In January this year, the university announced that it would make all of its research freely available on the web, and that it would host workshops for other academic institutions considering making a similar move.
The UKUUG says that the award is designed to give particular recognition to the development of free and open source software in the UK.
Gutteridge wins a trip to the Open Source Convention in Portland, Oregon, with costs covered by award sponsors O'Reilly, and a £500 cash prize from UKUUG. ®
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