The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has convinced eBay Australia to alter its policy on adding Goods and Services Tax onto successful bids.
From 13 June all eBay sellers will be required to include the ten per cent tax on any relevant items they are auctioning.
The ACCC said it had been contacted by successful bidders who were unhappy that their bids had 10 per cent tax added without them being warned. The ACCC also received complaints from sellers complaining that items from other sellers appeared cheaper because they were not including the tax.
The ACCC said: “eBay Australia has liaised with the ACCC to modify its GST policy which now makes it a requirement for all sellers on the eBay site to include any applicable GST in their auction or Buy It Now price.”
Prior to the change eBay Oz recommended sellers include GST. The change affects people using eBay for business purposes rather than private sales.
More details on ACCC website here.
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