Stern response Well, Otto has once again handed off responsibility for dealing with his letters, so it falls to the rest of us to give you, our beloved readers, a chance to respond to his fortnightly rant.
It will not have escaped you notice that having failed to provoke the feline population of America to take up arms, and clearly in need of a cold shower after his ramblings about Hillary Rosen, Stern decided to go rattle a few cages in France. The only surprise, really, is that he hadn't done this earlier.
For those who cannot bear to follow the link, the general gist of Otto's argument was (we think) that the French should have voted Yes in the recent referendum on a European Constitution. He may have said some other stuff, but we'll not go into that here.
Anyway, the usual variety of responses materialised in this reporters inbox with a note from dear Otto, saying "I can't even think about dealing with these. I have had more than enough of Europe for one lifetime."
Charmed, we are sure.
Anyway - to your letters:
Neither insightful nor amusing. Please drop this guy.
Ian M
Given the opportunity, Ian, some of might chose to do just that, from a considerable height. Sadly, geography prevents us from doing so.
What a rambling wank-job you are. I think you were attempting to say something insightful in your article, but managed to gob on about practically nothing at all.
James Milne
I am French. Your racism makes me sad. I know you don't care. I don't hate you. I guess you wanted to do some kind of humour. I don't wish it but one day maybe you will be yourself victim of this 'soft racism' (i.e. racism disguised as humour) and you will understand.
Until that possibly happens, you won't understand. I know what I am talking about: I used to be like you. Peace. F.
Though the practice is paying off Otto. That's almost funny. Hey, probably is funny over there!?
And you seem to have missed the point (kel supreese): Voting "Oui" (I'll make it easy, that would be FOR the EUC) would have been a vote for globalisation. Voting "non" (you can work that one out your self though) was a vote against. Or so went the comedy sketch the Noners were running, I believe.
Remember ... Globalisation bad. Cheese eating surrender monkeys, good.
[And there's no point kidding the French ... they had an Empire once ... You lot will learn ... once you've been at it for a couple of hundred years ... It runs you, you don't run it.]
Andy Harrison
Mmmmm. Cheese.
Poor guy, you have a big mouth, a brain as big as a nutshell
In response to the honorable Otto Z. Stern's article "The French can spell doom".
The French have subsidized wine and health care.
Not to mention topless women sunbathing on the banks of the Seine, although a bar of soap and razor wuld be in order.
With the subsidized wine, your liver's going to need the subsidized health care.
Why would anyone vote to change such a great systeme.
Vive la France - now take a shower, and please, use some soap. Oh by the way, while you're at it, shave them hairy pits and legs.
Eric Price Tempe, AZ
Oh, well done. You managed to keep that at exactly the right level to interest Stern.
Otto , you are a genius! (and not in a Jerry Lewis way)
Ian Yates
Really not sure what you are getting at, Ian...
Why has El Reg hired you? Do they pay you, or do you pay them? Why do we want to read in El Reg about how the godlesseurotrashcommiepinkofagliberals in Europe are out to subvert US foreign policy? Can't think of anything technological? There aren't any technological moral issues out there to discuss?
How about ID cards by stealth in the US? Or the pathetic hopelessness of the no-fly lists? Or the laughable data protection? Or balance in copyright provisions? Or patents on business methods undermining the free market? No new thoughts, light to shed on those issues?
No. Blotto Otto is bereft of wit and so we get crude anti-French scrawl. What rattled your cage then? Watched an uncharacteristically international report on Fox News (or Faux News as it is known in France) that mentioned the French?
Jean-Marie Le Penn
What, in the name of all that is holy was that pile of unintelligible shit all about. Absolute f*cking gobshite.
what really makes me sad is that the french decided to cast a vote based on issues other than the one being polled; turkey's membership and the service pact have nothing to do with the constitution... yet worst of all is a speculation aired on a french tv program that the constitution was rejected because it had the word "liberal" in it... oh please!
but yes, my regards for otto. perhaps i'll be joining him in the southwest in the not so distant future :/
You couldn't be more right about that "self-destructive urge". This is so French!
I voted Yes last sunday and now, only 3 days later, NOBODY speaks about the constitution anymore. Proof that the debate was not about its content but really about internal politics.
The theme of the week is now all about the Villepin-Sarkozy much-anticipated warfare.
No plan B on the horizon. I'm really pissed.
By the way I'm unemployed and I have much to complain about the current government.
sebastien guillon