A row has broken out after a marketing firm was caught hiding adware in files distributed on the BitTorrent file sharing network. P2P applications such as Kazaa have been bundled with various adware packages for some time, to say nothing of the increased use of P2P networks as a distribution network by virus writers, but BitTorrent has been a cleaner environment. Recent developments suggests that may be about to change.
Chris Boyd, a security researcher who runs VitalSecurity.org, discovered that (copyright infringing) music tracks, TV episodes and porn videos distributed on BitTorrent have been bundled with Direct Revenue's Aurora adware program. Direct Revenue said a "rogue affiliate" had used the distribution tactic without its permission. Boyd also shows that the same affiliate has been used to spread adware from 180 Solutions. 180 Solutions is yet to respond to this accusation. You can read more about the ongoing fallout from this security kerfuffle on Vital Security here. ®
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