This article is more than 1 year old
Online drug dealers face chokey
Web Tryp accused in court
The people arrested as a result of operation Web Tryp, the DEA investigation into online drug suppliers, face sentencing later this month.
Web Tryp resulted in ten arrests and the closure of five websites selling research chemicals. The sites all supplied a range of pyschedelic substances many not specifically illegal. The accused face charges in Louisiana, New York and California.
The DEA claimed the sites were responsible for two deaths by overdose and said one site was selling $20, 000 of chemicals a week.
In May David Linder, who ran, was sentenced to 410 years for 27 charges relating to running the site. The sentence was so severe because someone died after taking an overdose purchased from Linder. The operator of AmericanChemicalSupply is also expected to get a life sentence after one of his customers overdosed.
UK police recently arrested more than 20 customers of websites selling controlled substances thanks to information from US law enforcement.
More on Wired here
DEA release is here®
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