This article is more than 1 year old
iTunes emasculates Crazy Frog
Amphibian deprived of wedding tackle
There's some good news today for anyone who is not a great fan of Crazy Frog - iTunes across the pond has seen to it that the little bugger will not be able to reproduce, thereby sparing future generations his particular brand of amphibious merriment.
Yup, Crazy Frog joined the US iTunes roster yesterday morning, but by the time he got off the plane in California, prudish WASP elements in Cupertino had chopped off the little guy's wedding tackle.
On the right, is the unexpurgated Crazy Frog letting it all hang out in the UK. Of course, there was a bit of a rumpus in Middle England about CF's chopper, but the powers that be decided to let it pass on the grounds that it was no big deal. The photo demonstrates this quite nicely.
Here, however, is the todger-free US version:
Hmmm. What the puritan elements at iTunes appear to have missed, though, is that although CF is now without his cocktail sausage, he is sitting astride an enormous, red-tipped and rocket-propelled phallus. We feel a letter to the Times may be in order... ®
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