This article is more than 1 year old

Tesco packs teen's mobile with porn

Apologises for repair cock-up

UK supermarket chain Tesco has apologised to a 14-year-old boy after returning his repaired mobile phone packed with hard-core porn, UK tabloid the Sun reports.

Callum George's new Sagem clapped out after just two weeks, prompting the lad to return it for repair. It duly found its way back to him in the post, complete with letter "explaining a faulty circuit had been replaced", as Callum's mum Cathy put it to the paper.

A shocked Cathy continues: "But there were voicemail messages and numbers that Callum did not recognise. Then he found the pictures and video clips."

The pics and vids in question were of couples having sex and, unsurprisingly, Callum's dad Allen was reported as "fuming". The boy's parents called in the police who referred them to Tradings Standards.

The Tesco store responsible for the outrage - in Newport, South Wales - has, as well as issuing the apology, confirmed that the repair centre in question has started an investigation into the sorry affair. ®

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