This article is more than 1 year old
Burning Bush fans turn flames on El Reg
Like we care...
FoTW Oh dear. It seems that these days even the mere observation of some simple facts can get a person enough properly abusive flames to start his (or her) own gas-ring-burner.
The simple facts in question concern Google, and one George W. Bush. He is currently presiding over the United States of America, for anyone not familiar with the chap. It seems that typing "failure" into the search engine returns El Presidente's biography.
We were just pointing this out, but does that stop us needing asbestos undergarments? No, of course it doesn't.
For your reading pleasure, we are happy to publish a few of the more reasoned responses from a group of very grown up, brave and clear-headed individuals:
Go fuck yourself asshole!
Peter Simpson
Nice try asshole. the USATODAYCNN poll only shows 13% of Americans blame Bush for the response. In fact it was liberal democrats who have been running New Orleans and the Levee Board for years who screwed this pooch.
I hope Hillary does and investigation because Democrats will suffer all the blame.
Keith Mooney
Moral are.
Lovely. ®