This article is more than 1 year old

Nintendo to cut 10% off DS price

Hopes Nintendogs will pup up the volume

Nintendo UK is to knock a tenner off the price of its DS handheld console, the videogames company announced this morning.

The cut will come on 7 October and leave the standard DS retailing for £90.

On the same day, Nintendo will launch Nintendogs - the Tamagochi-like app that's proving to be something of a killer app for the console. According to Nintendo, more than 1.5m copies of the program have been sold in the US and Japan. Can't see it, myself - DS owners must all be going soft in their old age...

Whatever, Nintendogs will sold separately and bundled with a console, to be dubbed the DS+. The bundles will retail for £100 and made be available in pink or blue - says it all, really - giving the machine the same hue as toilet paper. To highlight the allusion even further, the blue DS+ box features a Labrador Nintendog almost identical to the Andrex puppy.

The pink DS+ sports a Dachsund, presumably to appeal to the more aggressive player. Heck, life can't be much fun when you're only six inches off the ground... ®

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