This article is more than 1 year old

Hairdresser applauds text marketing service

15 quid a year, 5.5p a txt

Txtlocal is a new service which aims to help small businesses take advantage of mobile advertising.

Small business can get a mobile number to collect customer contact numbers through. They can then send a marketing message to these people for 5.5p each.

Al Shortland, MD of TxtLocal, said: "There's really nothing comparable unless you spend £50 month on a complicated system. This is £15 a year and 5.5p a message. A small business can get the number and a keyword and start collecting numbers immediately."

Shortland said the firm already has about 30 businesses signed up and on average, promotions get a 40 per cent response.

Jim Woods, a hairdresser in Derby, said: "Since using TxtLocal there is never a quiet period in the salon. We Have 300 customers on our list. If we need to fill seats we simply send 100 messages offering a 20 per cent discount if you come to us before 6pm. The response is fantastic, sometimes too good."

Shortland said the advantage of such marketing is that you are talking to people who have expressed an interest rather than handing out leaflets in the street. ®

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