This article is more than 1 year old
El Reg - RSS feeding the mobile world
3G-tastic Vulture on the go
Here's the scenario: you're a go-ahead sort of guy, looking for 3G connectability on the move, something which will allow you to keep email contact with the sales department while downing Buds in All Bar One, or MMSing topless Charlotte Church pics to your mates while feigning an interest in a Powerpoint presentation describing the cost benefits of switching the entire company to desktop Linux.
What you need is something 3G. With a little plastic pointer, preferably, and once you've stumped up the cash for your on-the-go mobile office device, complete with email, internet, Symbian, two megapixel camera, WLAN 802.11b, Bluetooth, PC sync, alloy wheels, tints and a little hook in the back to hang your jacket, what are you going to peruse while travelling to that mission-critical power brunch with the representative of a Taiwanese plastic extrusions company?
The answer is simple: look no further than El Reg - purveyor of quality RSS-borne news to the mobile elite as recommended for use with the Sony Ericsson P990i.
Yes indeed, this snap from the mobile vendor's UK site proves that the El Reg RSS tentacle is long indeed, reaching into the very heart of corporate mobile communications.
Oh alright then, it possibly proves that someone down at Sony Ericsson once read The Register, probably deleting it from his or her RSS feeds upon realising that we didn't actually have any topless snaps of Charlotte Church after all.
For the record, the P990i goes out for around 350 quid. And, of course, it doesn't really come with alloy wheels - those are extra. ®