This article is more than 1 year old

PlusNet buys into LLU

Hooks up with Easynet

PlusNet has become the latest operator to sign up to Easynet's unbundled broadband service enabling the Sheffield-based ISP to cut its dependency on BT for high speed net access.

LLUStream was launched ten months ago and gives ISPs the chance to source wholesale broadband from another telco other than BT without having to install their own kit in BT exchanges.

It also means that PlusNet will be able to offer customers wired up to LLUStream-enabled exchanges speeds of up to 24 megs.

BT's network currently supports speeds of up to 2 meg although 8 meg should be available from next spring.

The UK's dominant fixed line telco announced today that it is due to begin trialling its "Max" service next month and PlusNet is also taking part in that pilot.

Said PlusNet chief exec Lee Strafford: "Easynet's LLUStream gives our customers the benefits delivered by local loop unbundling, without us having to make the costly LLU infrastructure investment ourselves."

In August Centrica-owned telco OneTel - which is currently up for sale - signed a similar deal with Easynet to provide unbundled broadband to around 20,000 subscribers. ®

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