This article is more than 1 year old

Game sleuths close eBay Xbox 360 auction

Seller not a Game store manager

The auction of eight Xbox 360 bundles on eBay by someone claiming to be a store manager for retailer Game has been pulled.

The original auction had claimed: "I have 8 units for sale, these were obtained from a store of which I am the manager, receipt will be supplied for your guarantee, just return to any branch of 'game'." But following an investigation by the retailer it seems the person behind the sale was an impostor and does not work for the company.

In a statement Game told us: "After a full investigation into this eBay auction and contact with this individual, we're confident that this is not an employee of Game and someone has been misrepresenting themselves on the eBay website.

"eBay were notified and the 'seller' retired his auction without selling any of the Xbox 360s." ®

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