This article is more than 1 year old
PDA for your pet
and other high-tech shaggy dog stories
Certified gadget obsessives Tech Digest and Shiny Shiny scour Gizmoville for the oddest digital goodies, TV Scoop features all that’s cool in British telly and Propellerhead answers your PC queries
PDA for your pet
Being a pet owner can be trying; you have to remember to feed them, pet them, give them their meds, take them to the vet, and find a groomer whose work is flattering enough that Spot won't feel the need to "thank you" for the haircut in your favorite pair of shoes. Enter the Pet Master - an electronic organizer for your pet. Enter your pets schedule (vet appointments, medication schedule, playdates in the park) , phone contacts (vet, groomer, the shitzu with the cute owner), even their picture - and you'll be the most organised pet owner at the dog park. And if you've got a globe-trotting pet, Pet Master will help you locate pet-clinics and pet-friendly motels while you travel.
You can get the Pet Master from $30 from Neiman Marcus. Oh, and if your pooch is always running off why don’t you get him his own phone too.
3G laptops arrive
For many people, access anywhere and anytime to email, the internet and essential business applications using 3G has fundamentally changed the way they work. The only annoying part is having a 3G card poking out of their laptop. Not anymore though as Fujitsu Siemens is to offer notebooks with integrated 3G from early next year (they say 1st quarter). All users will need to do to get online is add a 3G SIM card. There are no details of specific models yet, that follows in early 2006. The only question is though will the 3G facilities be upgradeable to HSDPA, a system that offers ever faster data speeds, which is due to reach Europe in 2006.
Not the Queen’s Speech on mobile
If the Queen's thoughts at Christmas don't set your pulse racing, maybe a message from Gorillaz’ bass player Murdoc is more up your street. Mobile company 3 is offering its customers this unique take on 2005 absolutely free. Without giving too much away, the speech covers a range of subjects that are unlikely to be on the agenda for the traditional version. Donning a crown and perched on a throne, Murdoc rants and raves about the political, social and artistic highs and lows of the past year. From the ascent of James Blunt to the demise of the Routemaster bus, Murdoc weaves the landmark events of 2005 into his own "state of the nation" address. Predictions for the year to come include an imminent apocalypse and the advent of the age of giant mental human mouse! The 3 minute speech will be available to download free on 3 from Christmas morning until the end of the year. To access the speech, click the Planet 3 button on your handset and then click on the Gorillaz icon on "Today on 3".
Skype Coldplay
If you've got a Skype phone, but can't think of anyone to call, here's a tip - ring Coldplay. The lads are sat at Coldplay Towers now, hands hovering over the receiver, waiting for a kind word from one of their legion of fans. Ok, we lie. They're not there. But their answer machine is and the band will listen to the messages and judge which is the best. And if it's yours, you'll get a callback from the band on your Skype phone. Visit and leave a message lasting no more than 20 seconds, saying why you think the new single, "Talk", is so good. All messages must be in English and you must leave your Skype ID too. The competition ends on February 28th, with the callback taking place in March. Just think - you could give Chris and Gwyneth tips on baby names. If they're sticking with the fruit theme, I'd recommend Pomegranate.
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