Futurama - the animated TV series from Simpsons creator Matt Groening - may be resurrected two years after the show was axed by Fox. Reruns on the Cartoon Network and Comedy Central combined with strong DVD sales have kept the series alive. This interest has sparked discussions between 20th Century Fox TV and series creators Groening and David X. Cohen about reviving the show in much the same way Family Guy was brought back from the dead, Variety reports.
The animated show follows the adventures of Fry, a dim-witted and lazy pizza delivery boy who accidentally falls into into a cryogenic suspension chamber on New Year's Eve, 1999. He's awoken, 1,000 years later, in the year 3,000 where he befriends Bender, a drunken, kleptomaniac robot, and Leela, an attractive cyclops. The trio find work at Planet Express, an intergalactic delivery service run by Fry's eccentric descendant, Prof. Farnsworth, a boffin whose inventions regularly come close to getting the gang killed.
Futurama was critically acclaimed and won three Emmys in its five-season stint on Fox. But frequent changes to scheduled broadcast times, curtailed seasons and long gaps between shows stinted its initial appeal. More, much more, on the show here. ®