This article is more than 1 year old

American casts long shadow on Google Earth

California reader caught on camera

A couple of weeks back we ran an amusing little ditty about a couple of UK college ne'er-do-wells who had been captured on Google Earth lounging about in a sunny back garden swilling gin.

Not to be outdone, try this from reader Joshua Englehart in Saratoga, California:

That rummy collegiate isn't the only one who is immortalized on Google Earth -- and much more decisively than his whitish blur, too. Note the long shadow I cast in my driveway (I'm the only one in the house who uses the side entrance toward which the shadow points):

That Reg reader - as seen from space

Impressive stuff indeed. For the record, Señor Englehart supplied the snap himself, so we have no .kmz for this one. Of course, it might not be his house at all, and the whole thing may be an elaborate consipiracy aimed at convincing the tinfoil hat brigade that they are as we speak being monitored from a secret underground Google bunker facility where teams of CIA-trained operatives are assembling a huge database of human behaviour patterns so much the better to target affiliate adverts to hapless internet users. Time will tell. ®


That's enough "Here's me on Google Earth", btw - unless you have some rock-solid proof that it is indeed you. WW2 bombers and other novelties, though, are always welcome.

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