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Google Earth: the photo interpretation challenge
WMDS and black helicopter facilities
More conclusive evidence of Nazi activity at Peenemunde came with images such as this one: a close-up of the aforementioned "experimental station":
Yup, the photo interpretation department has correctly identified a V-2 lying on its side (arrowed). There's more evidence of rocket activity in there, too, if you look closely.
In the event, that was more than enough for Bomber Command to dispatch 597 aircraft on 17-18 August 1943. The results of the raid on the V-2 launchpad can be seen here. Despite the huge raid - during which 40 aircraft were lost - the V-2 programme was delayed only by around two months. The first rocket to hit the UK subsequently hit Staveley Road, Chiswick, London on on Friday 8 September 1944 - the taster of a total of 1,300 V-2s to hit England.
So, back to our mystery location. Given the same resources available our WW2 compatriots, what would we be able to make of the features marked A, B, C, D and E?