This article is more than 1 year old

Trekkie turns flat into Starship Voyager

Declared bankrupt rather than insane...

Obsessive Trekkie Tony Alleyne has spent so much cash turning his flat into a replica of the Star Trek Voyager that he's had to declare himself bankrupt.

Alleyne spent £12,000 converting his flat in Hinckley, Leicestershire, into a detailed replica of the Voyager spaceship. The flat has its own transporter room (not functioning), blue downlights (to give the illusion of being 'beamed up'), touch sensitive control screens, and portholes in place of windows. Last week he was declared bankrupt at Coventry Crown Court with debts of £166,000.

Alleyne was a DJ until his stint in interior design. He has been a Sci-Fi fan since watching "The First Men in the Moon" when he was 11.

The intrepid Trekkie was hoping his home would turn into a business with other fans paying him to design their homes. But despite spending thousands marketing the idea, it did not take off.

He told the Sun he racked up the debts trying to market the business. He said: "I'm proud of what I created but it's been a financial disaster."

View inside shots of the Trekkie haven here. ®

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