This article is more than 1 year old

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A quick question for our readers

Imagine Cup Just a quick follow up to yesterday's entry, we mentioned ward sister Mel and her insights into friends, family and patients. We think it would be interesting to open the floor to you guys.

Imagine you were taken away from your life, placed into an Intensive Care Unit and you had no recollection of the past month. As you slowly recover, trying to build up your self-esteem and regain a sense of control over your life, what do you imagine you would want to read about? What kind of information do you think would help you recover? What kind do you think would hinder you? Alternatively, imagine someone you love has been admitted to ICU, what information would you want to give them? Why?

Hopefully with a bit of help from you guys we can build on what we've already got and approach Mel at a later date with an even better coverage of user needs. ®

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