This article is more than 1 year old
Film triggers global warming to Al Gore
An Inconvenient Spiel
Review As An Inconvenient Truth started, our worst nightmare seemed all too near.
The movie opens with Al Gore's nasal drone serving as the voice over. Images of a river and forest dominate the screen as Gore becomes consumed with cheesy hokum and talk about his long lost days sitting on the riverbank, chewing cud and communing with the mystic.
Our movie companion started gyrating, as she tried to hold in the laughter. Our concerns were more desperate. We'd actually waited in line for an hour to see this thing, and were now doubting that we could take more than 10 minutes of the film. Surely, it could not continue like this. Someone would make Gore stop.
Well, Gore doesn't stop, but the movie does get much, much better.
Broadly, An Inconvenient Truth is the most polished PowerPoint (Keynote, actually) presentation you're going to find. During the majority of the movie, Gore rolls out a dressed up version of the global warming spiel he has been giving across the globe for years.
The basic science of global warming is delivered via a decently funny animation. Countless images of melting ice caps and glaciers pepper the screen. Charts galore show the dramatic rise in carbon dioxide over the past forty years and the accompanying dramatic rise in temperature. More charts show how no real scientist disputes the global warming trend, while more than 50 per cent of journalists do raise objections to the "theory."
The photos prove the greatest selling point for Gore's agenda, while the statistics and projections will likely scare the hell out of you.
It's rare to see dry information presented in such an entertaining way.
The movie is by no means a "movie" in the traditional sense, and it suffers because of it. A true documentary may have been more gripping. That said, this really is about the best stump speech for global warming that one can imagine, and it's well worth the ticket price. Even nay-sayers should drive their Hummers to the theaters if for no other reason than gaining material for taunting hippies.
Of course, the hippies will dominate attendance for An Inconvenient Truth and only become more convinced about how awful things are. Few folks in the pro global warming camp will see this film, largely because Al Gore is involved. The producers really should have talked Britney Spears into taking on the main role with Gore serving more as a coach.
We were shocked to find a massive line outside of the local theatre for An Inconvenient Truth, which happened to be showing on two screens. We were even more shocked to find Al Gore likable. We never would have voted for Gore before this movie but would consider it seriously now. The man is human. Very human. Who knew?
We give An Inconvenient Truth 4 out of 5 duck-rabbits.
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