This article is more than 1 year old
Ryanair adopts nude passenger security regime
Putting the fun back into flying
NSFW Who said flying wasn't fun any more? It is down at Ryanair, where the company's new security measures will certainly add spice to any trip:
The reason these passengers are running is, for the record, not because a couple of Arabs have just attempted to board the plane, but rather due to Ryanair's "no allocated seat policy". The blonde on the right looks well on her way to a window seat.
Good work by reader Chris Schofield in spotting this piece of publicity-generating silliness. Interestingly, Ryanair had an attack of modesty earlier today when it took the blurring tool to exposed naughty bits. Rather late, it must be said, since Mr Schofield had already grabbed this unexpurgated version. For shame: