This article is more than 1 year old

Bluetooth SIG launches TransSend app

Grab bits of data and send them to your phone

The Bluetooth SIG has today launched its TransSend application, allowing websites to embed a chunk of data, such as an address or map, in a web page and have it copied to a mobile phone at the click of a mouse.

Of course, the (Windows) desktop computer will need Bluetooth, and to be running Internet Explorer, but the process is painless and the range of compatible handsets impressive. A small client application is needed on the desktop, which can be downloaded free from the Bluetooth SIG website and works with just about any Bluetooth-equipped handset.

Should a site lack a special TransSend link, any text or image can simply be highlighted and a right-click allows it to be sent to the phone, which should encourage users to download the client application.

If you've ever searched for a pen to write down an address while hurrying to leave, or wished there was an easy way to take a map with you without printing it out, TransSend would seem ideal: but we'll have to wait for Firefox compatibility before it's really useful. ®

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