This article is more than 1 year old

Welcome to RTFM: the Reg audio experience

Download your pilot programme here

RTFMWelcome to RTFM: a new audio service from sci-tech world superpower The Register. We at Vulture Central have been talking for some time about doing a pilot for a possible monthly broadcast, and we finally got out of the pub long enough to put together a 14-minute sonic burst for your listening pleasure.

The RTFM cast of thousands includes myself and John Oates, who provided vital news resources. Further plaudits should go to Phil "Philipe" Mitchell, who offered Strategy Boutique logistical back-up, while a round of applause is certainly in order for voice artists Hils Barker and Silas Hawkins, who toiled selflessly over a hot microphone down at Cut Glass studio in Norrrf London under the caring eye of soundmeister Phil Corran.

The mp3 is available for download right here (19 meg mp3), or you can have a listen on our RTFM mp3 player below. Your feedback on this initiative is welcome, as long as it includes the words "I love you and want to have your babies". Enjoy.

The whole wonderful thing

Some of you also noted that having the sketches as separate files would be nice, so you can cherry-pick your fave bits. We agree, and here they are for instant listening or download:


If this thing takes off - and that's very much up to you lot - we're looking at expanding the range and scope of broadcasts available, and bringing in some third-party talent to further entertain you, our beloved readers. Watch this space.®

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