This article is more than 1 year old
SCO's web site shows signs of life
Almost fully functional
Cluster Watch: Day 6 It may have been CEO Darl McBride or attorney David Boies, but someone has stepped up to fix the SCO Group's web site.
SCO today fixed the broken homepage link for its High Availability Clusters so that customers can actually learn about the software. For at least a week, the link had been down, tossing up a "Document Not Found" message.
We suggested that SCO add "ing" to its /cluster URL to fix the problem, since /clustering was working just fine, and the company has taken our advice. In exchange, we'd like one SCO Source license to run Linux with a clear conscience.
It looks as if someone really went at SCO's web site, fixing a variety of errors in addition to the clustering code.
Our loyal readers noticed SCO talking about the "vaule" of its UnixWare product, which SCO has replaced with "value." SCO's "Success story" page is now functional - at least in spirit - again.
But that doesn't mean SCO has caught everything.
The Life Insurance Corp of India "success story" on this page coughs up a "No result" at the time of writing.
And SCO still has the seven-month old job postings that we mentioned up on its site. Lord knows, it's tough to find software developers in India these days.
Still, we're encouraged that someone at SCO knows how to log into the company's web site administration software. We had our doubts.®