If you've got £50,000 burning a hole in your pocket you could be the new owner of Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi cloak.
The brown hooded cloak worn by Sir Alec Guinness in the original Star Wars trilogy is up for auction and is expected to sell for between £50,000 and £60, 000.
Auctioneer Bonhams is selling off costumes from various films and TV shows. Highlights include Dell and Rodney's Batman and Robin costumes from Only Fools and Horses, Dr Who clobber, and a selection of James Bond's suits.
The value of celebrity varies widely. Estimates for suits from GoldenEye and Tomorrow Never Dies are between £5,000 and £10,000. But you could pick up Victoria Beckham's (or Adams as she was then) blue lycra catsuit from SpiceWorld for a bargain £500. Mel B's corset top could be yours for just £150 to £200.
Dr Who costumes are expected to go for between £3,000 and £20,000 - a full Tom Baker costume complete with scarf and sonic screwdriver is expected to sell for between £15,000 and £20,000.
The costumes come from Angels The Costumiers, founded in 1840, which said pressure on space and rising insurance premiums were behind the sale. The company has provided costumes for 26 films which have gone on to win Oscars for "Outstanding Achievement in Costume Design".
The sale is on 6 March and the costumes will be available to view in Bonhams' London showroom for about a week beforehand. More on Bonhams' website. ®