Hackers targeted Superbowl-related websites last week in attempt to direct American football fans to sites hosting malware.
Sites related to the Miami venue of the NFL Championship game - www.dolphinsstadium.com and www.miamidolphins.com - were among a number of sites hacked into and modified to insert reference to a hostile script running on Chinese site www.dv521.com. The NFL's Superbowl.com website was not affected by the attack.
The hostile scripts took advantage of two Windows exploits in attempting to download a file called W1C.EXE from the dv521.com site, which contains the Wow-PK key-logging Trojan. The offending Chinese site was taken offline late last week after the attack was detected by net security firm Websense and before Sunday's game, where the Indianapolis Colts beat the Chicago Bears 29-17 in a rain-affected game. ®