This article is more than 1 year old
MPs launch IT comp for primary children
Kids pitch in to improve school ICT
A parliamentary group has launched a competition for primary school children to prove their grasp of technology.
The Parliamentary Information Technology Committee (Pitcom), and e-skills UK, the skills council for IT and telecommunications, announced the Made IT Happen competition yesterday.
The competition is open for 9 to 11 year olds to come up with ideas on how to use technology to support their school or local community. It is looking for projects that make the most of a school's available ICT resources and fits within the national curriculum.
Andrew Miller MP, chair of Pitcom, said: "There is a lot of excellent work with technology going on in the UK's primary schools. Young people are being encouraged to use technology creatively for activities that range from running clubs and networks to campaigns and community projects.
"Made IT Happen will enable us to recognise and celebrate the best of this work."
e-skills UK chief executive officer Karen Price said: "It's amazing what young people can do when they are given access to technology. It harnesses their natural energy and enthusiasm, providing them with an opportunity to stretch their imagination and learn how technology can make a positive contribution to their world."
The competition will include regional and national winners, each school will receive a cash prize and a chance to visit Parliament to have tea with MPs and meet other winning schools.
Entries can be in any format and should include an outline of a challenge or opportunity the school faced, a description of the how ICT was used to address this, and what the result was – with a focus on the students' contribution, progress, and achievement. The closing date for entries is 13 July 2007.
This article was originally published at Kablenet.
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