This article is more than 1 year old

Blair ready to spam Britain

Preps mass email shot in road pricing petition row

Tony Blair is planning to put even further strain on Number 10’s creaking IT infrastructure, by emailing everyone who’s signed the infamous petition against road charging.

Over 1.4 million Brits have signed the online petition so far, with the servers handling the petition site buckling under the strain. Apparently there have been cabinet level mutterings suggesting whoever dreamt up the e-petition scheme was a “prat”, even as the transport secretary said, in effect, “debate is good…but we’re doing it anyway”

Now, the London Standard reports, Blair will personally email the shrieking populace to put their minds at ease about the proposals, presumably putting across the government’s argument that most people will pay less under the scheme. And it'll save the environment. Maybe. Problem is these arguments will cut little ice with those whose main objection is the idea of being tracked in their cars 24x7. Or with those who believe they have a divine right to drive where they bloody well please.

First though, Tony has to make some tough choices. Does he further complicate matters by loading the government’s IT systems with what millions will simply decide is spam.

Or will he turn to the fabled “secret” email system at number 10. You know, the one that was allegedly used to discuss cash for honours, and, in defiance of all the rules of government IT projects, worked like a charm.®

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