Here’s a question, what do they put in the water in Hull that makes the students there keep winning the UK heat of Microsoft’s annual Imagine Cup?
Last year it was Team Three Pair from Hull University that took the honours, and this year – the fifth outing for the global competition – it was a team called The Seedlings that snatched the victory from 10 others competing down at Microsoft’s Reading fastness. And yes, The Seedlings come from Hull University as well.
As usual, the teams had to develop – or at least outline the development of - a project that fitted in with a theme. This year it is ‘imagine a world where technology enables a better education for all’.
All entries were built using Microsoft technology and .NET, Web services. The Seedlings’ application is called First Programme Language (FPL). The aim is to develop young children’s problem solving skills by getting them to learn and use simple programming concepts.
The next step for the team is an intense period of Microsoft-supported development to get its entry ready for the big test, the world final, which this year takes place in Seoul, South Korea, in August. ®