This article is more than 1 year old
Google snubs St George - again
By the Lord Harry...
Google has once again snubbed England's dragon-slaying patron saint, despite our threat back in 2005 to take our porn search queries elsewhere.
Indeed, while El Reg today proudly celebrates this most English of days, Google remains resolutely St George-free. We were going to email the search monolith to request the usual half-baked excuses, but decided instead to fuel up our impressive collection of Spitfires and Hurricanes for a low-level strafing run on the Googleplex.
While we apologise in advance to Google for any inconvenience this may cause, we hereby give warning that if next year we don't see a bloke-with-a-lance-slaying-a-dragon masthead, we'll send in our ultimate deterrent: a cybernetic army of tap-dancing Heather Mills-McCartneys.
Consider yourselves duly warned. ®