This article is more than 1 year old
IBM brings Amazon to heel in patent spat
Big Blue turns over Big Book
IBM has buried the hatchet in its patent spat with Amazon in exchange for a wodge of cash and a cross license agreement.
Big Blue kicked off the case last October, accusing the online warehouse of "willfully" violating IBM patents covering "such services as allowing users to order items from an electronic catalog and displaying internet advertising".
And yes, that does sound fairly close to claiming IBM has patents on virtually the entire concept of ecommerce.
Amazon is no stranger to patent litigation – just look at its long pursuit of companies it claims have infringed its controversial one click ordering patent.
In this instance, though, Amazon has decided discretion is the better part of valour.
For IBM’s part, general manager of software IP, Dan Ceruti, said in a statement, “We’re pleased this matter has been resolved through negotiation and licensing. We look forward to a more productive relationship with Amazon in the future.®