This article is more than 1 year old

New, New Labour gets new logo and website

Blimey, that was quick

Anyone wondering why it took Tony Blair so long to fall on his sword has the answer this morning. He was waiting for Gordon's marketing boutique to okay the shiny new logo.

Visitors to the Labour Party website this morning will see a purple rose and Labour logo. New Labour it seems is New no longer. The red has gone and so has the "newLabour, newBritain" strapline.

The home page leads with a stirring picture of Tony Blair and John Prescott walking into the sunset with links to both their resignation letters. It's almost as if someone within the Labour Party had been waiting and planning for this very moment.

Meanwhile, the Tories' website is now mostly green, and WebCameron, the leader's personal page, is a pleasing purple.

The Google cache of old New Labour is here, and here is the new Labour website. ®

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