This article is more than 1 year old

Wacom out to plant Bamboo on consumers' desktops

Tablets aren't just for digital artists and graphics pros, you know. So tablet maker Wacom would have us believe, and it's made Bamboo just to show us.

Wacom Bamboo tablet

Priced at a mere £70, Bamboo comes in a stylish black look and combines the traditional pad and 512-pressure level stylus with a set of custom-function keys for quick access to tools like cut and paste. Bamboo also has a "Touch Ring... that makes zooming in and out and scrolling easier", Wacom claimed.

Wacom said the A6-sized Bamboo hooks into handwriting recognition and gesture detection technology built into both Mac OS X and Windows Vista to allow you to control your computer and enter information by writing.

Bamboo is set hit shop shelves later this month.

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