This article is more than 1 year old
Fancy an earful? Click here for tech support
'Pain in the butt' customer gets email short shrift
If you're at a loose end this afternoon and fancy copping a bit of an email earful, try throwing a query over to technical support at CCTV outfit* The reply is likely to surprise and delight, as one Reg reader found out:
Would like to download latest firmware for a GS1600. Your website not clear on how to find this (poor layout - no "Support" or "downloads" section on homepage and a main search resulted in no hits. Eventually found the download page by searching the FAQ, however the link on your website isn't a link:
Additionally; whilst searching for this image, I tried ascending from another firmware link to which resulted in an error page. Not a big problem but doesn't look very professional.
Here's the response, and it's a beauty:
We are shock the you are bad mouthing us, If you log into, scroll down the page on the left hand side you will find the download section. Please don't make un necessary comments like that.You don't even have to go into the FAQ, to look for the download section. If you're un able to find it by not looking and being a pain in the butt! you don't have the right to blame us.
Atten: You must do a factory restore on the camera first, before doing a firmware change. You must do the change locally, If this process aren't done right it will damage the camera.
Best regards,
Tech Support
Gadspot, Inc.
Our correspondent at this point retaliated with an email to every addy he could find:
FAO Gadspot customer service / complaints.
You might want to have a word with Rufus, he's not presenting the most professional image to your company by calling customers, in very bad English, that they're a "pain in the butt" when they raise legitimate complaints. I don't believe I'll be re-ordering from Gadspot in the future thanks to this shoddy treatment.
The fact remains that the file was hard to find especially as the url was commented out within the html - the average visitor would never have found it.
This turned out to be a bad move, as Rufus was quick to point out:
Is it ok for you to say this to us (poor layout - no "Support" or "downloads" section on homepage and a We do give people are support the best you can. It's your choice that you don't want to order from us again. We were not the one to bad mouth you in the first place saying that we here at gadspot have poor support. People like you that don't look carefully or that don't read the fine line and want to be spoon feed with all the answer. So we refuse the right to server you. For being mean.
Best regards,
Gadspot, Inc.
Good Lord. Well, our man can consider himself well and truly "servered", and no messing. We emailed yesterday to ask if it was their standard policy to unleash Rufus on customers, but the company has not, as yet, replied. Doubtless we'll get a righteous mouthful in due course. ®
* is in no way affiliated to