This article is more than 1 year old
Woman cleans keyboard... in dishwasher
Keyboard survives to type the tale
You've got a desktop keyboard. And it's stained, grimy and filled with crumbs - not to mention the odd short, curly hair that really can't have got there through natural means. What do you do? You put it in the Whirlpool, that's what.
At least, that's what Michele - the US' answer to our very own Hardware Widow by the sounds of it - from Chicago-based consultancy Coudal Partners did. You can see the results on the company's website here, but here are some tasters from the movie she made:
Step 1. Remove the keys
Step 2. Securely bag up the USB connector
Step 3. In it goes...
Step 4. Apres la deluge
Step 5. Recover the keys
Step 6. Refit the keys after thoroughly drying them
Step 7. Type away!
Says Michele: "Just like with socks in the laundry, somehow a couple of our matching keys disappeared in the process. Luckily they were F10 and F11. We never use those anyhow."
Want to try this yourself? Proceed at your own risk - don't blame us if it totals your keyboard and/or dishwasher/washing machine...