This article is more than 1 year old
Lag caught with phone charger up jacksie
Prison officers notice murderer's 'discomfort'
A lag at Swaleside Prison on the Isle of Sheppey was caught with an entire phone charger up his jacksie after officers noticed his "discomfort" during a search of his cell, The Sun reports.
The appropriately-named Tony Pile, 22, serving a life stretch for "beating a man to death in a race hate attack in 2005", was collared during a sweep aimed at cracking down on drug and phone smuggling into the Kent chokey.
Pile is on the establishment's "escape list" of prisoners likely to do a runner after he was found in possession of a mobile phone, but one Prison Service source admitted: "We've known for some time that prisoners hide phones up there but this is a first."
The source continued: "Pile had somehow managed to secrete the entire charger where the sun doesn't shine. It just goes to show the lengths some inmates will go to stay in touch with the outside world while banged up."
The sweep of Pile's cell also revealed two "fist-sized" blocks of cannabis and cocaine. The make of the phone charger is not noted. ®