This article is more than 1 year old
Oracle sends bloke cardboard laptop
Why? God alone knows
Long-term readers may recall the strange case of Microsoft's "rock-in-a-box" anti-piracy campaign, apparently exhorting honest citizens to stone to death those involved in disseminating illicit copies of Redmond apps.
Well, it appears Oracle's marketing department has acquired some of the same nose Ajax which fuelled MS's inspired mailout.
Andy Armstrong explains:
In other news today's rant will focus on why the fuck Oracle have sent me a full sized 3D cardboard laptop full of shredded paper this morning?'s some coke-addled marketing message behind it but I'm buggered if I can work it out. Apparently they will contact me shortly to explain. Breath well and truly baited here.
Here too. Readers are invited to suggest what exactly is the symbolic meaning of the mysterious cardboard laptop. ®