This article is more than 1 year old
PaddyPower pays out for Gore's Prius joyride
Sins of the father?
House of Cards Irish bookmaker has paid out $13,600 on 14-1 odds that Al Gore would be the next celebrity arrested.
PaddyPower, the leading fixed-odds bookmaker in Ireland, has made something of a name for itself on the Emerald Isle by offering bizarre and entertaining betting options for its customers, but this one bizarrely turned on the company, the New York Post reports.
Typically customers are the ones to get burned on these celebrity or current event bets, because the true odds are considerably longer than those being offered by the house, but this is the rare one that paid out for the gamblers.
PaddyPower had failed to specify which Al Gore they meant - father or son. So, when Al Gore III got pulled over for doing 100mph in his Prius - they really go that fast? - and the arresting officers found weed and some prescription drugs for which Gore the Younger could proffer up no prescription, the lucky gamblers hurriedly claimed their winnings.
Of course, paying out wasn't a bad idea for PaddyPower - the publicity garnered by the payout has been worth considerably more than $13,600. And that's really the point of these bets, isn't it? ®
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